ponedjeljak, 21. prosinca 2015.


Još par dana do Božića, mog omiljenog blagdana... I evo jedna kombinacija koju bih svakako nosila na Božićni ručak. Volim ovakav kroj suknji i nosim ih često i zimi, naravno na deblje čarape. :) Ovaj put sam se odlučila za čizme iznad koljena, pulover i kožnu jaknu. Čizme su se pokazale kao odlična invseticija, jer su nosive uz bezbroj kombinacija. Nadam se da Vam se dopada i ova i čitamo se uskoro... :) :*

jacket: Bershka/ hat: Only/ bag: Michael Kors/ glooves: Accessorize

srijeda, 16. prosinca 2015.


Evo ga, drugi post u ovom mjesecu je tu. :) Jedva sam čekala da mi stignu pulover i kaput s ROMWE stranice (ovdje) i sada Vam ih napokon mogu pokazati. Zaljubljena sam u ovaj kaput, posebno zato što sam ga dosta dugo tražila. Nikako nisam mogla naći model koji bi mi odgovarao. Ovaj mi je odličan i nosiv je uz sve. Ja sam se odlučila za ovu varijantu, ovo je nešto u čemu se najbolje osjećam i što često nosim u slobodno vrijeme. 

Coat: ROMWE (here)/ sweater: ROMWE (here) sunnies: Ray ban/ watch: DW

srijeda, 9. prosinca 2015.


Prosinac je tu... Ne mogu da vjerujem da je već stigao posljednji mjesec u godini... Iako ne volim baš zimu, prosinac je već druga priča... Nekako se osjeti toplina u zraku i ne mogu da ne volim ovaj mjesec. I ovaj post mi je nekako baš zimski. Nadam se da će Vam se svidjeti. :)

.Hlace: Bershka/ sat: Daniel Wellington/ cipele: MODRESS.COM (HERE) / torba: Deichman

nedjelja, 22. studenoga 2015.


It is almost December and I need new clothes. I am looking for unreal fur and I think I've found a perfect one on Choies site. I love this kind of coats, because they are warm and they look great in casual and evening combinations. How does it seems to you?  And in this post you can find Chloe inspired boots for the perfect price!
Here is my wishlist for this winter season and items which I will buy. Do you have your favorites? :) 

 links for ordering:



Sunday, day off, I'm enjoying in my coffee, although it is rainy. It is ok to me, but I love sunny days much more. :) This is the post from few days ago and you can finally see items that I've got from ROMWE page (here). I am more than satisfied and I am waiting for new package. :D Now, I am going back to my coffee and can't wait for new posts to show you! Have a nice day! :) :* 

Nedjelja, slobodan dan, uživanje u kavi iako je vani kiša. Meni ne smeta, ali ipak više volim sunce. :) Ovo je post od prije par dana i napokon možete vidjeti stvari koje su mi stigle sa ROMWE stranice (ovdje). Toliko sam zadovoljna da uskoro očekujem novu pošiljku. :D Sada ću se vratiti svojoj kavi i uskoro se čitamo ponovno. :) Uživajte  u ostatku dana! :) :*

sweater/coat and striped shirt: ROMWE (here)/ scarf: STRADIVARIUS/ jeans, bag and shoes: ZARA/ watch: DW/ sunnies: RAY BAN

ponedjeljak, 16. studenoga 2015.


Napokon sam se odvažila na online kupovinu. Moram priznati da sam u početku bila malo skeptična, ali sada sam i više nego zadovoljna. Izabrala sam par novih stvari, pa ako ste raspoloženi bacite oko. Za šal sam sigurna kakav će doći je ga ima Lucija sa SHIPPED FROM VENUS i odličan je. Slični se mogu kupiti i u Zari, ali ovaj je povoljniji i ni malo ne zaostaje za Zarom. U pončo sam se zaljubila na prvi pogled, kao i u ove čizme. Jako volim  čizme iznad koljena i već duže vrijeme tražim savršene, a ove mi se čine upravo takve. Što vi mislite?

I have pick some items which I will order, so I wanted to share it with you. Here are some of my favorites from ROMWE (here), I  have got my first package and I am more than satisfied with quality of items. You will be able to see it on my blog in next few days. If you're following me on IG (here) then you already saw my new sweater from this page.
So, here are pieces that I picked, what do you think? :)

links for ordering:

 1. click here
 2. click here
 3. click here
 4. click here

ponedjeljak, 9. studenoga 2015.

Red lips

Past week was really great. Weather was perfect all the time, I have few posts and I can't wait to post it. This post is from yesterday, I've got this cool t-shirt on Yoins site (here) and I decided to combine with this skirt, which is one of my favorites. So how do you like it? And don't forget to visit Yoins (here) for more clothes, they have great offer and very low prices! 

t-shirt: YOINS (here)/ jacket: BERSHKA (old)/ sandals: ZARA

nedjelja, 8. studenoga 2015.

Walking down the streets

I love autumn so much. Especially sunny autumn. Especially when I have new boots to show. And if you follow my blog you know how much I am crazy about shoes.
 I often buy my shoes in the shops and malls, because I was not sure about internet shopping. But, this time was different, and you can't imagine my happiness when I receive package with this beauties. You could saw without opening that they will look great. My friend told me for this page and I decided to try it. The page it is called Modress (here), and they are from France. I have choosed my size and they came even better then they are one picture, the price is even better than in many shops here in Mostar and the best thing about this page is that they have some models like Zara had and they are much more cheaper, what else do you need to hear? :)

Here are some links from this page if you are too lazy to search it :):
- If you want to see my boots CLICK HERE
- If you want to see more affordable shoes CLICK HERE

Volim jesen, posebno kad je suncana. I kada imam nove cipele. :) Ako pratite moj blog, onda znate koliko volim cipele. Obično ih kupujem u buticima i shopping centrima, jer nisam bas sigurna oko internet kupovine. Ovaj put je bilo drugacije i ne mozete zamisliti moje odusevljenje. I bez otvaranja paketa, znala sam da ce biti super. Prijateljica mi je otkrila ovu stranicu i probala sam. Stranica se zove Modress (here) i iz Francuske su. Izabrala sam svoj broj i dosle su mi i bolje nego sto su na slici, a cijena je bolja nego u pola ovih trgovina u Mostaru. Najbolja stvar je ta sto imaju dosta slicnih modela koji su se mogli naci u Zari, po povoljnijim cijenama, zato svakako preporucujem da pogledate ovu stranicu :)

I evo linkova ako ste previse lijeni da sami trazite:
-ako zelite vidjeti moje cipele mozete OVDJE
-ako zelite vidjeti ponudu pristupacnih cipele mozete OVDJE

coat: SCANDAL (old, old :D)/ t-shirt & trousers: BERSHKA/ bag: DEICHMAN/ boots: MODRESS (HERE)

utorak, 3. studenoga 2015.

Sunny autumn

I've took these photos few days ago, but you already know thath if you are following my INSTAGRAM PROFILE (here) :) I was few days in Zagreb, so I did not have time to publish it. It was bussy, but great week, I had great time in Zagreb with my colleagues. But, let's go back to post. This is totally me combination, what else to say? Simple and heels on my feets, I don't need more than this to be happy. I've got this skirt last year, but this is first time you can see it on my blog, so how does it seems to you? :)