I've took these photos few days ago, but you already know thath if you are following my INSTAGRAM PROFILE (here) :) I was few days in Zagreb, so I did not have time to publish it. It was bussy, but great week, I had great time in Zagreb with my colleagues. But, let's go back to post. This is totally me combination, what else to say? Simple and heels on my feets, I don't need more than this to be happy. I've got this skirt last year, but this is first time you can see it on my blog, so how does it seems to you? :)
Odlična suknja, tražim si baš takvu! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišihvala Elle, a suknja nije nova i dobila sam je na poklon, tako da stvarno ne znam gdje je kupljena :)
Izbrišiajme divna!
OdgovoriIzbrišihvala puno Nives! :)