I had a small problem with the internet and that's why I was gone. We start again with the outfit posts. In one of the previous posts I mentioned GIWEAWAY, I have not forgot, it will be in December, because I just love that month. Everything smells like Christmas and warmth! :) And, speaking of heat, out of the closet I pulled this old jacket. I'm not taking it off. hahahaha. Usually I wore leather, black jacket. Not because it is the only one I have, but because it works for me with every combination. hahaha. It's time to change bag too. But i'm not letting it easy. : D I'm joking of course! How do you like the combination and the new #OOTD?
Imala sam malih problema s internetom i zato me nije bilo. Krećemo opet s outfit postovima. U jednom od prošlih postova sam spomenula GIWEAWAY, nisam zaboravila, on će biti u prosincu, jer ja baš volim taj mjesec. Sve mi miriše na Božić i toplinu! :) A, kad smo već kod topline, iz ormara sam izvukla ovu staru jaknu. I ne skidam je. hahahaha. Najčešće sam na blogu nosila onu kožnu, crnu. Ne zato što je to jedina koju imam, već zato što mi paše uz svaku kombinaciju. hahaha. Vrijeme je više i da torbu promijenim. Ali, nečega kad se dohvatim i što zavolim ne puštam baš lako. :D Šalim se naravno! Kako Vam se dopada kombinacija i novi #OOTD?
sunnies: Rayban
jacket and shirt: vintage
jeans: Zara
slipp on: Deichman
bag: Accessorize
Super kombinacija! Jakna je predivna:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLuxveritatis.| Beauty.Fashion.Crafts
Hvala :-)
Izbrišigreat outfit :)
Thank you very much!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper je jaknica! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPut Your Faux Fur On - Check out my latest post! :)
hvala puno!! :)