subota, 14. lipnja 2014.


I have not  planned to put these pictures, I wanted something else, but it's weather... Rain again ... This is what I wore this morning for coffee. At least for two days I'm wearing new shoes. I combinied them with PULL & BEAR tight pants on flowers, wide T-shirt and leather jacket. I really can not stand the flowers, but these I liked  because they are not conspicuous and you can not see the flowers. hahaha. I hope the rain will stop soon, because I love the summer & sun! And, I have some new things, but I'll put them in some of the next posts until the weather improves... :*

Nisam planirala ubacivati ove slike, htjela sam nešto drugo, ali vrijeme... Opet kiša... Ovo sam nosila jutros na kavi. Bar sam dva dana nosila nove cipele. Iskombinirala sam ih na ove PULL & BEAR uske hlače na cvijetove, široku majicu i kožnu jaknu. Stvarno ne podnosim cvijetove, ali ove su mi se svidjele jer nisu upadljive i ne vide se cvijetovi. hahaha. Nadam se da će kiša uskoro prestati, jer volim ljeto i sunce! A, imam i neke nove stvari, ali njih ću staviti u neki od idućih postova dok se vrijeme popravi... :*

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