petak, 13. lipnja 2014.


I've been a little busy these days, so I have not had much time to blog. : (Today, when I caught the day free the weather gone bad. However, I managed to take a few pictures. Hahahaha Yesterday I bought new boots. This is the summer version of leather boots. Since the Mostar city is known for its tropical heat I'm glad  there was this little uglier weather so I can wear my boots. :) I really love summer boots, but I do not know how I will manage to wear them here before the fall, perhaps in the evening only. Today I was having coffee with my mom and sister and this was my choice, I hope you like it... :*

Bila sam malo zauzeta ovih dana, pa nisam imala baš vremena za blog. :( Danas kad sam uhvatila slobodan dan pokvarilo se vrijeme. Ali, uspjela sam ipak nešto poslikati. hahahaha Jučer sam kupila nove čizmice. To je ljetna varijanta kožnih čizmica. Budući da je Mostar grad poznat po tropskim vrućinama dobro mi je i došlo ovo malo ružnije vrijeme da ih pronosam. :) Ja stvarno volim ljetne čizmice, ali ne znam koliko ću ih ovdje uspjeti nositi prije jeseni, možda u večer jedino. Danas sam bila na kavi s mamom i sestrom i ovo je bio moj izbor, nadam se da vam se dopada... :*

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