srijeda, 25. lipnja 2014.

Like it oversized

Again, I'm in the sloppy, so says my mom ... hahahaha ... But what can I do when I feel it is the best,  I can against myself ... :) This is what I wore yesterday for a walk before work. I have not arrived to announce yesterday because I was late for work. hahaha ... Well then here is it today. Today was raining again, so I could not even picture anything ... :(
So I will not bother you, here are pictures from yesterday :*

Opet ja u šlampavom, kako kaže moja mama... hahahaha... Ali, šta mogu kad se tako najbolje osjećam, ne mogu protiv sebe... :) Ovo sam nosila jučer u šetnji prije posla. Nisam stigla objaviti jučer jer sam kasnila na posao. hahaha... Pa onda evo danas. Danas je svakako opet padala kiša pa nisam ni mogla ništa slikati... :
Zato da ne gnjavim, evo slika od jučer :*

ponedjeljak, 23. lipnja 2014.


Today I bought this Zara dress with stripes. I liked it because it was not narrow, and if you follow my blog know that I do not wear tight things often. Somehow I feel better in this dress, and convenient for the summer. I wore it on the flat sandals, but I feel better in  this variation on the heels, which are also Zara. On my Instagram profile, you can see the version of the sandals. :)

Danas sam kupila ovu Zara haljinu  na pruge. Dopala mi se jer nije uska, a ako pratite moj blog znate da ne nosim često uske stvari. Nekako se bolje osjećam u ovakvoj odjeći, a i praktičnija je za ljeto. Nosila sam je i na ravno, ali nešto mi je bolja ova varijanta na štikle, koje su također Zara. Na mom Instagram profilu mozete vidjeti i tu verziju na sandale. :)

nedjelja, 22. lipnja 2014.


It's beautiful outside, and I have to work. : (I hope it will be good weather tomorrow, because I'm free.
I will not talk too much, I'll just slip in today's image, as already five days I could not because of the weather. Simple and easy for a warm summer day. I hope you like it. If the weather is fine you will see new pictures tomorrow. : D  Enjoy beautiful day ...: *

Vani je predivno, a ja moram na posao. :( Nadam se da će i sutra biti lijepo vrijeme, jer sam slobodna.
Neću dužiti ppuno s pričom, samo ću ubaciti današnje slike, jer ionako već pet dana nisam mogla ništa zbog vremena. Jednostavno i lagano za topli ljetni dan. Nadam se da vam se dopada. Gledamo se opet sutra ako se vrijeme iznenada ne pokvari. :D Uživajte u predvnom danu... :*

utorak, 17. lipnja 2014.


If you live in a country where I live, then you need to watch what you are buying and where you are buying. We are not yet in the European Union accession. Unfortunately, there are people who are using it for some illicit things. I will talk about things that have happened to me. Let's say I had a huge problem with makeup. For a long time I used Rimmel foundation, but  then it stopped responding. And no, not a word about the fact that my skin tired of this powder. Simply, this is no longer that powder. The packaging is fine, but the content is not the same. Of course it is reflected on the skin. Also the clothes, it happend that I buy Replay sneakers and pay them at regular price, and they fall apart after a few wearing, but I have repeatedly pointed out that I do not wear sneakers often ... Because we are, unfortunately, still unsettled country with regard to some things there are a lot of copies that are sold for the original.
However, not all is bad, it just needs a little careful with some things.

I buy makeup majority in DM stores. Such was the case this last time.

Ako živite u zemlji u kojoj ja živim, onda morate paziti šta kupujete i gdje kupujete. Mi još uvijek nismo u Eurospkoj uniji. Nažalost, postoje ljudi koji to koriste za neke nedopuštene stvari. Ja ću govoriti o stvarima koje su se meni dogodile. Recimo imala sam ogroman problem sa šminkom. Dugo vremena sam koristila Rimmel puder, ali mi je onda prestao odgovarati. I ne, nije riječ o tome da mi se koža zasitila tog pudera. Jednostavno, to više nije taj puder. Ambalaža je u redu, ali sadržaj nije isti. Naravno to se odražava i na koži. Također i odjeća, znala sam kupiti Replay tenisice i platiti ih po regularnoj cijeni, a raspadnu se poslije nekoliko nošenja, već sam nekoliko puta naglasila da baš i ne nosim tenisice... Budući da smo nažalost još uvijek nesređena zemlja što se tiče nekih stvari ima jako puno kopija koje se prodaju po cijeni orginala.
Ipak, nije sve tako crno, samo treba malo paziti kod nekih stvari.

Šminku kupujem većinom u DM prodavaonicama. Tako je bilo i ovaj zadnji put.

I do not like heavy or strong makeup. I love the natural look. I do not like to see on my face lines and traces of powder.
There was very kind girl recommended L'Oreal Infallible stay fresh powder foundation.
Since I have not used that much, I can not really give an accurate assessment, but for now it seems ok.

Before putting powder I put Max Factor foundation primer FACE FINITY, which is more than good. Pressed powder is also Max Factor Creme Puff. I use it for evening and it is really good.

Something that impressed me was this Schauma shampoo for dry hair washing. It's the best thing I've recently bought. Summer is here, so it is very  hot outside, and it refreshes the hair at the moment and it looks like it has just been washed. It is especially important to me because I have bangs and I can no longer be without it ...

That's it for now from cosmetics, as soon as the rain stops going new post... :*

Ne volim tešku ni jaku šminku. Volim prirodan izgled ne volim da mi se po licu vide neke crte i tragovi od pudera. Tamo mi je jako ljubazna djevojka preporučila L'oreal INFALLIBLE stay fresh foundation puder.
Budući da ga nisam baš previše koristila, nne mogu baš dati točnu ocjenu, ali za sad mi se čini uredu.
Prije pudera stavljam Max Factor primer FACE FINITY, koji je i više nego dobar. Puder u kamenu je također Max Factor CREME PUFF. Njega koristim za večernje izlaske i stvarno je dobar.
Nešto što me je oduševilo je ovaj SCHAUMA šampon za suho pranje kose. To je nešto najbolje što sam u zadnje vrijeme kupila. Ljeto je i vani je vruće, a on osvježi u trenutku kosu i ona izgleda kao da je tek oprana. Meni je posebno važan jer imam šiške i više ne mogu bez njega...

To je to od kozmetike za sada, čim kiša prestane ide novi post... :*

subota, 14. lipnja 2014.


I have not  planned to put these pictures, I wanted something else, but it's weather... Rain again ... This is what I wore this morning for coffee. At least for two days I'm wearing new shoes. I combinied them with PULL & BEAR tight pants on flowers, wide T-shirt and leather jacket. I really can not stand the flowers, but these I liked  because they are not conspicuous and you can not see the flowers. hahaha. I hope the rain will stop soon, because I love the summer & sun! And, I have some new things, but I'll put them in some of the next posts until the weather improves... :*

Nisam planirala ubacivati ove slike, htjela sam nešto drugo, ali vrijeme... Opet kiša... Ovo sam nosila jutros na kavi. Bar sam dva dana nosila nove cipele. Iskombinirala sam ih na ove PULL & BEAR uske hlače na cvijetove, široku majicu i kožnu jaknu. Stvarno ne podnosim cvijetove, ali ove su mi se svidjele jer nisu upadljive i ne vide se cvijetovi. hahaha. Nadam se da će kiša uskoro prestati, jer volim ljeto i sunce! A, imam i neke nove stvari, ali njih ću staviti u neki od idućih postova dok se vrijeme popravi... :*

petak, 13. lipnja 2014.


I've been a little busy these days, so I have not had much time to blog. : (Today, when I caught the day free the weather gone bad. However, I managed to take a few pictures. Hahahaha Yesterday I bought new boots. This is the summer version of leather boots. Since the Mostar city is known for its tropical heat I'm glad  there was this little uglier weather so I can wear my boots. :) I really love summer boots, but I do not know how I will manage to wear them here before the fall, perhaps in the evening only. Today I was having coffee with my mom and sister and this was my choice, I hope you like it... :*

Bila sam malo zauzeta ovih dana, pa nisam imala baš vremena za blog. :( Danas kad sam uhvatila slobodan dan pokvarilo se vrijeme. Ali, uspjela sam ipak nešto poslikati. hahahaha Jučer sam kupila nove čizmice. To je ljetna varijanta kožnih čizmica. Budući da je Mostar grad poznat po tropskim vrućinama dobro mi je i došlo ovo malo ružnije vrijeme da ih pronosam. :) Ja stvarno volim ljetne čizmice, ali ne znam koliko ću ih ovdje uspjeti nositi prije jeseni, možda u večer jedino. Danas sam bila na kavi s mamom i sestrom i ovo je bio moj izbor, nadam se da vam se dopada... :*

subota, 7. lipnja 2014.


Today was just a summer day. Outside, it's very hot. Something that I really like to wear when is hot are wider t-shirts. In the closet, I do not have  tight shirts. This one I wore today was a male hahaha ... Today you have a chance to see my bag, which I mentioned in a previous post. The bag is MOABAGGEEK, domestic Bosnia-Herzegovina design and manual work, and the best thing is you can turn to the other side and then you get completely different color. I'm just thrilled with this bag and I will certainly buy another one bag from their collection. I hope you like today's outfit ... :*

Danas je baš pravi ljetni dan. Vani je jako vruće. Nešto što jako volim nositi ljeti su šire majice. U ormaru i nemam baš uskih majica. I ova koju sam danas nosila je muška hahaha... Danas imate priliku vidjeti moju torbu, koju sam spomenula u prethodnom postu. Torba je MOABAGGEEK, domaći bosansko- hercegovački dizajn i ručni je rad, a najbolja stvar je što se može okrenuti i na drugu stranu i onda je u skoroz drugoj boji. Jednostavno sam oduševljena ovom torbom i sigurno ću kupiti još neku torbu iz njihove kolekcije. Nadam se da vam se dopada današnji outfit... :*

petak, 6. lipnja 2014.


Thank you all for watching & reading, you can also see me on other Social networks :-*