Although, I can't say that I am a color lover, summer is a little more relaxed. It is time of sales, so I'm almost broke. : D I bought this dress in Stradivarius few days ago, I fell in love with her. Yesterday was a day of rest. I worked a short shift and enjoyed the whole day. Swimming pool, shopping, cocktails ... I can not wait to show you what I've bought, but for now here are Zara sandals, they were on sale, my number, what else to say ... :)
Soon I'm going on vacation, so there will be more time for photography, and till then you can follow me on my INSTAGRAM profile (here), because I'm much more active there. Enjoy the rest of the day and see you soon! :) :*
Uskoro idem na godišnji, pa će biti više vremena za fotkanje, a do tada me pratite na mom INSTAGRAM profilu (ovdje), jer sam tamo puno aktivnija. Uživajte u ostatku dana i vidimo se uskoro! :) :*
dress: STRADIVARIUS/ bag: NEW YORKER/ sandals: ZARA/ rings: STRADIVARIUS/ sunnies: RAY BAN
Lepo je :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiDa, da, sandalice su zaista divne :)