Hello everyone! :) The day before yesterday I walked into the old part of town. I tried to take a picture of an outfit, but it has started to get dark, and the light was not so good. :( Unfortunately, I could not even take pictures of the Old town to see (you who have not had a chance to see) how beautiful is this part of Mostar. Otherwise, the old bridge is the work of the Ottoman Empire, and it's really something you have to see.It is beautiful and a lot of tourists visits this part of Mostar all the time. Over the next few days I will certainly go back there and take pictures to make you a better view. :)
As for the outfit, skinny jeans,
Zara (here) Shirt, Mango (old vest),
Stradivarius (here) hat and boots, my favourite in this period. I hope you like the post and feel free to comment and leave your suggestions!
Zdravo svima! :) Prekjučer sam šetala u starom dijelu gradu. Pokušala sam uslikati outfit, ali je već počeo padati mrak, pa svijetlo nije bilo baš najbolje. :( Nažalost, nisam uspjela ni uslikati stari grad da vidite (vi koji niste imali priliku vidjeti) kako je prelijep taj dio Mostara. Inače, Stari most je djelo Osmanlijske vladavine i stvarno je nešto što morate vidjeti. Predivno je i jako puno turista ga posjećuje. Kroz narednih par dana ću se sigurno vratiti tamo i uslikati kako bi ste bolje vidjeli. :)
Kad je riječ o outfitu, skinny hlače,
Zara (ovdje) majica, Mango (stari prsluk),
Stradiavrius (ovdje) šešir i omiljene čizme u ovom periodu. Nadam se da Vam se dopada post i slobodno komentirajte i ostavljajte prijedloge! :) :**