četvrtak, 17. srpnja 2014.


I pulled them from the bottom of the closet today ... hahaha ... They are still alive. I bought them from my first salary, 6 years ago. I managed them even fit into today's outfit. And they really improved my mood. The whole day I was in a hurry (I was able to even fall), so I took pictures and outfit on the balcony. I couldn't managed it differently. I hope you like it as my first high heels alive today ... :*

Izvukla sam ih danas sa dna ormara... hahaha... Još uvijek su žive. Kupila sam ih od svoje prva plaće, prije 6 godina. Uspjela sam ih čak i uklopiti u današnji outfit. I stvarno su mi popravile raspoloženje. Čitav dan sam negdje žurila (uspjela sam čak i pasti), tako da sam i outfit slikala na balkonu. Nisam uspjela drugačije. Nadam se da vam se dopada kako sam svoje prve štikle oživjela danas... :*

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