četvrtak, 24. srpnja 2014.


The weather is killing me, I hope that you endure it better than I do. I apologize for  the hairstyle, but it was not me,  it is the weather hahahaha. I never wore this skirt cut. I imagined it to denim shirt, but since the weather is horrible, I have decided for this shirt. I love this skirt, so you'll probably see it in combination with a denim shirt. :)

Ovo vrijeme ubija, nadam se da ga vi podnosite bolje nego ja. Ispričavam se na frizuri, ali nije do mene, do vremena je hahahaha. Nisam nikad nosila ovakav kroj suknje. Zamislila sam je na teksas košulju, ali pošto je vrijeme očajno, odlučila sam se za ovu majicu. Zaljubljena sam u ovu suknju, tako da ćete je vjerovatno vidjeti i u kombinaciji sa teksas košuljom. :)

shirt NEXT/skirt ZARA/heels ZARA/sunglasses RAY BAN/bracelets BERSHKA + PULL&BEAR

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